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General member expectations
We are fortunate to have many different levels of ability in RCS which allows us to choose soloists from the group. We will provide links and recordings when possible in the MUSIC section of ChoirGenius to help you learn your music and will let you know each week what to practice for the next rehearsal and review the various choral techniques learned. Always bring a pencil to rehearsals!
The type of programs we can perform and the continued success of RCS depend on everyone’s participation in ticket sales and various fund raising programs and committees throughout the season with the exception of students, who are not required to participate in fund raising. Please consider volunteering to help with all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Many hands make light work. Whether it is helping with the reception, providing ushers or stepping in to work on a specific committee, we need your help. As opportunities arise please consider volunteering.
Attendance~ it is expected that you will attend all rehearsals but if you need to miss one please use the RSVP feature in ChoirGenius or let your section leader know the date (s) you will be absent. If you miss an excessive number of rehearsals (3 per semester) your participation in the concert is at the discretion of the Music director. Attendance is kept weekly by the section leaders. Please check in with Mackenzie at the door each week or your section leader.
Dues and Music Fees~ Dues for RCS are $50.00 per semester per person due by the third rehearsal for returning members and by the 4th rehearsal for new members. You may pay online through the Store in Choir Genius or by giving a check directly to the treasurer. If paying dues proves to be a hardship, please feel free to speak to your section leader who can make arrangements to reduce or waive the dues. Dues are automatically waived for high school and college students, music is paid for by everyone
Music cost for this semester is $30 and is non refundable. You own your own music. You may copy or use online only music you own a purchased version of.
Musicianship– Anyone over 16 as of (9/1/23) is free to join and only needs to demonstrate basic musical ability to the Director by matching pitches, having the ability to blend well, and sing scales to determine vocal placement. Previous choral experience and the ability to read music is helpful but NOT required.
We are fortunate to have many different levels of ability in RCS which allows us to choose soloists from the group. We will provide links and recordings when possible in the MUSIC section of ChoirGenius to help you learn your music and will let you know each week what to practice for the next rehearsal and review the various choral techniques learned. Always bring a pencil to rehearsals!
The type of programs we can perform and the continued success of RCS depend on everyone’s participation in ticket sales and various fund raising programs and committees throughout the season with the exception of students, who are not required to participate in fund raising.
Please consider volunteering to help with all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Many hands make light work. Whether it is helping with the reception, providing ushers or stepping in to work on a specific committee, we need your help. As opportunities arise please consider volunteering.
Rehearsals The first 2 rehearsals will be open rehearsals to welcome new and returning members. Auditions will be prior to and following the second rehearsal. First rehearsal is generally the first Tuesday after Labor Day at the Exeter High School from 7 to 9PM. Please be seated and ready to sing at 7.
All subsequent rehearsals will be at 7 p.m. at Exeter High School unless otherwise notified.
In the event of inclement weather that may necessitate cancelation, please check CHOIRGENIUS, the Facebook page or your email the afternoon of a rehearsal day. We also call it in to WMUR TV. If school (Exeter high) has been cancelled due to the weather, rehearsal is automatically cancelled. However, we may cancel a rehearsal even if the school was open during the day.
Concerts The tentative concert dates for this spring May 4th and 5th with a dress rehearsal the Friday night before (call times will be announced later) currently the plan is to have both concerts at 3PM.
Concert Dress code
(unless changed slightly based on the Concert requirements as decided by the Board)
Women-Long (ankle length) black dress with long sleeves or long skirt or long flowing pants with a long -sleeved black blouse, black stockings, dark shoes (black preferred). Inconspicuous jewelry. No short dresses or skirts or jeans or sleeveless tops. You may be asked to return home and change or not be allowed to sing in the concert if the above dress requirements are not met. Should this pose a hardship, please speak with your section leader as soon as possible to make arrangements.
Men-Dark suit coat or blazer, dark pants, white shirt, red issued tie for the winter concert, blue issued tie in the spring.
Also, In consideration of other singers (some with allergies) and since we will all be in close proximity, please do not use perfume, hairspray or excessive after shave/ cologne at rehearsals or concerts.
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